Dr. Heisenburg

Dr. Heisenburg

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

The Doctor is IN!!

Come get some self-help therapy tonight at the HIGH GONZO REVIEW~
Even if you think you are in perfect mental health condition, the Doctor is here to tell you otherwise. With my esteemed partner and lover Dr. K, we will get your neurons ship-shape in no time!!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

The abundance of Spring is already here!

So much has been happening in the last few months, I haven't had time to catch my breath...First off, I started writing a play (it takes place on a sheep ranch in West Texas during the early 1900s) and have been writing numerous comedy sketches. The encouragement, support and platform to explore my writing has come through my mentor Joan Moossy and through Mary Tierney and her Acting/Writing Workshop through TimeBanksNYC. If you don't know about TimeBanksNYC, you should definitely check it out here

The way a Time Bank works is based on the idea that 1 hour of my time is worth 1 hour of anyone else's time. It takes capitalism completely out of the equation, encouraging people within a community to exchange services based on a 1 hour to 1 hour ratio. Many other cities have some form of this type of program, but NYC is unique in that people in the arts who perform for free can accrue Time Banks hours that they can then exchange for other services.

Writing has allowed me to create and explore roles that I don't really see popping up on any of the casting sites. As my mentor and friend Joan Moossy says, "The best role you will ever play will be a role you write for yourself." Pondering this idea has given me more confidence and grounding in who I am as a human AND an actor. It's related to another idea I think about a lot which is that we already have everything we need within ourselves. When we go seeking outside validation and approval, that's where lower self-esteem and confidence issues can arise. But, that's what actors do EVERY SINGLE time we put ourselves out there, whether in an audition or performance, we are seeking outside validation and approval from casting directors, artistic directors, our fellow actors, the audience, the commercial client and on and on and on. If you're looking for a place to start writing, I highly suggest the book 'The Artist's Way' by Julia Cameron which oddly, I found on the streets of NYC while walking around late one night.

Writing gives me the autonomy to create my own world containing characters entirely out of my experience and imagination. This is truly an act of empowerment that I believe is spilling over into my acting as well as auditions. I've been going out on several auditions a week (including film, TV and commercials which are my ultimate goal), started doing some TV, had a speaking role in an indie film written and created by Bodine Boling, just got a callback on a webseries, and recently became a member of The Actors Project NYC (TAPNYC) with the goal of getting an agent and/or talent manager. When I say a lot has been happening...I mean a lot. A lot. A lot. An abundance.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Exciting things are afoot this week!

I've been keeping busy busy busy and still trying to find time to do more. I wrote a sketch piece that was accepted into an evening of sketches with the theme "that's uncomfortable". For those of you who know me, you may very well recognize the character I'll be portraying. Hosted by the PinUp Squirrels, a fun and hilarious group of women writers, comedians, and actors. I'm super nervous about this so come out and cheer me on or laugh ackwardly even if you don't think it's funny!

The Pin-Up Squirrels present Sketch Slam!

Thurs Sept 27th, 9:30pm, $5 at the door

The Tank

151 w. 46th St. (b/t 6th and 7th Ave) 8th Floor

New York, NY 10036

And if you haven't gotten enough sketchy loveliness on Thursday, I'll be performing on Saturday in:

Satire Off Broadway, An Evening of Sketch Comedy

Directed by the incredible Ann Bowen, founding member of Second City

Sat Sept 29th, 8:30pm

Sat Oct 5th, 8:30pm

The 45th Street Theatre

354 W 45th St, NYC

Tickets $25, to reserve, call Smartix 212-868-4444


Friday, August 3, 2012

Ongoing Drop-In Bellydance Classes for Saturdays 3-4:15pm in August!

I'm back from lands afar (the Lonesome, Crowded West) and feeling invigorated and inspired by the Mojave Desert, George Van Tassel's Integretron, the drag show at Mary's Hamburger Grill in Portland, OR, and various rivers and mountains in Oregon and Montana. Come check out bellydance class this month, Saturdays 3-4:15pm, I promise you will feel invigorated and inspired, too!
Photo by the fabulous Guy Car. Check out what he's been up to lately HERE

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Only 2 More Days to sign up for my Tribal Bellydance Workshop!

The first day of my 4-week Tribal Bellydance workshop is this THURS June 7th. There are only a few spots left, so if you're interested, pre-register SOON by emailing makarastudio@gmail.com. This workshop will focus on improvisational dancing in community. We will create a tribe of women who gather to dance together. The cost is $85 for 4 1 1/2 hour classes and it's located at Makara Studio, a beautiful place to practice in Brooklyn, located off the Montrose stop on the L train. Week 1 (6/7) will focus on Bellydance Basics for those who've never danced before and will refresh the memories of those who have. Week 2 (6/14) will focus on Drills to Build Skillz; mastering Bellydance requires lots of practice and repetition, this week's class will provide you with drill sequences you can take home and practice on your own. Week 3 (6/21) will focus on Musical Interpretation and include a special summer solstice component. Week 4 (6/28) will be all about Group Improvisation, expanding our awareness of those around us and learning group improvisation formations from the tradition of American Tribal Style (ATS) Bellydance. Photo by Joy Stuhr

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Upcoming Shows and Events!

Well, I had such a relaxing time in Colorado, teaching and learning and sharing that I've been neglecting this blog. Dance Utopia's Spring Retreat was amazing and I'm planning on going back next year, if they'll have me. I taught a workshop called 'Creative Bellydance' where we explored bellydance movement, yogic pranayama, and Kundalini yoga techniques. Accommodations were in very nice cabins at the YMCA camp near Winter Park, CO. The vistas were amazing and we had snow, rain, lightning storms, the works; the weather did not disappoint! I had the opportunity to spend time with my amazing mom and cousin and take great workshops on everything ranging from Shamanic movement, vinyasa yoga, drumming, and Tantra.
This weekend I'm stage managing an off off Broadway production of Sartre's 'No Exit', directed by Sissy Denkova and PLEASE COME SEE IT! The acting and directing are amazing, truly. I'll be up in the light booth so be sure to say hi if you come!
ALSO, this weekend I'll be performing myself with Brooklyn Raga Association on Sunday June 3rd at 7pm in conjunction with Bushwick Open Studios. It's a donation show held at the Loom Yoga Center located at 1087 Flushing Ave Shop #117, Brooklyn, NY 11237, nearest trains are the Morgan L or Jefferson L. Come if you can make it, we just rehearsed on Memorial Day in McCarren Park and have some new melodious grooves to put you in a trance!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Austin = Awesome

So many things were great about Austin. Thanks to all at the Austin Psych Music Fest, everyone was Texas-manners nice, pleasant, helpful and fun. Brooklyn Raga Association went over well with the crowd and we got some great pictures and truly great feedback from people. It's amazing to have the opportunity to dance with such a talented and eclectic group of people. I appreciate what each brings to the performance to cast the spell!
Photo by Super Photographer Guy Car My favorite groups that I saw were The Wooden Shjips (at the Knitting Factory on 6/24 if anyone wants to go), Bombino (from Niger and really amazing), and New Fumes (formerly of the Polyphonic Spree, just can't get enough of former members of that band--Sky White Tiger anyone?). The bass player from Spindrift, Henry introduced me to Tinariwen (playing in Croton-on-Hudson 6/16) and the Coral Castle http://coralcastle.com/ near Miami, FL. I hope the rest of everyone's tours are great and without van drama! In Austin I swam everyday, ate lots of tacos and super Vietnamese food, hung with my awesome friend Julie and her quadrupeds, had passionate late night discussions and drank Pimm's Cups in the backyard (gonna be having a lot of those this summer), and caught up with friends. There was definitely some hammock sitting on Julie's front porch to boot...Austin got me thinking about how we travel around and leave little pieces of ourselves everywhere and sometimes those pieces are fed by a place. For me, Austin has a great energy that feeds my need for nature and culture and that makes coming back to NYC hard in some ways but I feel invigorated and inspired, so I can put up with the loud noise, terrible air quality, and less than ideal climate here. Plus, I'm headed to Colorado next week to teach a bellydance workshop at the Dance Utopia Spring Dance Weekend in Granby, near Rocky Mountain National Park.